Final Presentation

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

AS Blog

Immigration is always in issue that needs to be addressed and debated. There are so many different views that for me, it’s hard to decide what the best thing to do is. Jenna’s presentation shows a great overview of what the issue is and how if affects everyone living in the United States. She points out the different, important topics relating to immigration. First of all, I was able to make a connection about schools. Bilingual education’s main line is targeted at those that are non- English proficient who generally tend to be first generation in the United States, which means there parents were immigrants. When children cross over at a young age with their families and attend a school here, what is going to happen when they want to continue their education by going to college? If the DREAM Act isn’t passed, then they will be contributing to the number of illegal immigrants working at low income jobs. What really caught my attention was what was said about the crime and prisons. I didn’t think so much about how much was spent everyday for someone that doesn’t even belong here. I’m debating with myself on whether or not hospitals have the right to deport these people. Their job is to attend to them; they are not border patrol to be sending them back to their country. But then again, the whole issue of anchor babies and health care comes to mind, and I think maybe hospitals are only trying to help those who pay taxes and get affected by this. And of course, the US just can’t send the illegal immigrants back but building a fence isn’t going to stop them either. Maybe if US didn’t make the process of becoming a citizen so hard then maybe there wouldn’t be so many illegal immigrates here in the first place. Applying for a visa can take so long and isn’t always guaranteed, so people just find it easier coming to the US illegally for “easier.” But of course that isn’t right. They become part of a huge, huge problem the deals with the economy, schools, crime, discrimination, health care etc. So it raises the question of what the role of the US is. Does it help these people out or stop them from coming in when they are only looking for a better life? Do the consequences of having these people here out weigh morals? (a better future, better education, better pporunites)

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